
adoption mediation

Adoption Mediation

We offer post-reunion adoption mediation for adoptees and their birth parents. This mediation is meant to help process boundaries and resolve conflicts to allow families to create healthier long-term relationships. We also offer open adoption mediation between adoptive parents and birth parents.

Recently, a new approach called clinical mediation has come to the forefront. Unlike the adversarial procedures that involve litigation, clinical mediation promotes mutual child-centered decision-making and recognizes the value of all of the adults who care about the child. And, unlike traditional mediation in which lawyers attempt to persuade contending parties to adjust or settle their dispute, therapists conduct clinical mediation with expertise in adoption and family systems issues. The value for adoptive families, birth families and most importantly, children is being proven across the country. 

A Child Welfare Mediator means a neutral third party who provides mediation services for participants in the cooperative adoption mediation process and has a mediation contract with the Office of the Attorney General.

Dispute Resolution Services, LLC